The need for more non-alcoholic options at festivals

Festivals are a great way to celebrate music, culture, and community. However, for many people who don't drink alcohol, festivals can be a challenging experience. Alcohol is often a focus of festival culture, with many attendees expecting to drink and party throughout the event. This can create a hostile environment for those who don't drink, and it can make it difficult for them to enjoy the festival experience. That's why it's important for festivals to consider offering more non-alcoholic options.

One of the biggest reasons why festivals need to offer more non-alcoholic options is that it promotes inclusivity. For some, abstaining from alcohol is a personal preference, while for others, it may be a medical or religious reason. Some may be sober or in recovery. Some guests may also be underage. These are all guests that may feel left out or uncomfortable in a festival setting where alcohol is the main focus. Providing non-alcoholic options can make these individuals feel more included and help them enjoy their festival experience without feeling pressured to drink. 

Regardless of the reason, everyone deserves to have a good time at a festival, and that means having access to non-alcoholic drinks that are just as exciting and delicious as their alcoholic counterparts. A club soda with lime being the only alcohol-free option is not inclusive nor innovative.  In recent years, there has been a boom in the emergence of non-alcoholic libations. Many brands, like Ritual Zero Proof, Lyre’s, and Seedlip have staked their claim in the NA market by crafting spirit-like tonics that closely resemble “the real thing”. These alcohol-free spirits, or spirit alternatives, are beverages designed to mimic the flavor and complexity of traditional spirits like gin, vodka, whiskey, and rum, without containing any alcohol. All are able to be used in cocktails in a 1:1 capacity without any adjustment to the standard recipe. These “mocktails” are ideal for festival attendees who still want to enjoy the social and sensory experience of drinking a cocktail, without the buzz. 

For festival producers looking to increase inclusivity and reduce harm, offering a substantial non-alcoholic program should be incorporated. When planning your event, it is recommended to inquire with the resident bar managers or catering companies about what non-alcoholic spirits they serve. Companies like Best Beverage Catering are skilled at listening to your unique beverage needs and creating a drink program that infuses creativity and innovation into the menu. Adding at least one specialty alcohol-free cocktail or alcohol-removed beer or wine to the menu for your event will increase the satisfaction of your attendees and further promote a safe environment for all. Festivals are meant to bring people together, and that includes people from all walks of life. This shows that the organizers care about the needs and preferences of all their attendees, not just those who drink alcohol.


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